Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Female Doctor?: No, but that's okay with me!

Peter Capaldi is the 12th Doctor! He's also a man. And I am actually very happy about that.

Welcome, 12!

Why, you may ask, wouldn't you want a woman to be the Doctor? It would be a great opportunity to have a woman as one of the most beloved and respected characters and role models on television. That's very true. A strong, female Doctor would be a fabulous thing. But there are two factors that make me very much okay with this decision: 1) It's okay for a network to not change the gender of a character after their genesis and 2) Moffat. There is no way in hell I want Steven Moffat anywhere a female character with as much importance as the first female Doctor. If he lacks the basic understanding of women necessary to write a companion without resorting to harmful stereotypes, I cringe at what he would make of the Doctor.
Would she suddenly need to be saved by her male companions? Would she be all sex all the time? Or a frigid bitch? How would the inevitable romantic dynamics work?
If Russell T Davies was still running the show, I would say HELL YEAH to a female doctor.

Hello, my name is God.
Unfortunately, we cannot have him back. But we miss his beautiful characters, even if Moffat's plots are better. See why Doctor Who was awesome when Moffat just wrote episodes and Davies got to have input on characters?

There are two things about Peter Capaldi especially that I want to discuss: his previous appearances in the Whoniverse and his age.
Capaldi appeared in "The Fires of Pompeii" in Doctor Who and the entire 3rd season of Torchwood, "Children of Earth." If RTD was in charge, we could count on a passable explanation such as those given for Freema Agyeman and Eve Myles. I don't trust Moffat nearly so much, especially since Capaldi had a major role in Torchwood, but I am willing to keep an open mind.
The other point about Capaldi is his age, which I see as a huge plus. He is 55, the same age as William Hartnell was when he became the very first man to play the Doctor. He is grey-haired and distinguished. Hopefully, this means an end to the weirdly child-like behavior accurately described by River as that of "an ageless god who insists on the face of a twelve-year-old." Also, that means that Capaldi's Doctor will either need older companions or will have platonic relationships with his female companions. Clara Oswin Oswald currently has a very flirty relationship with the 11th Doctor, but Capaldi's age would make that dynamic seem very creepy. Rose may have been much younger than 9 or 10, but they looked younger and Rose was written as a much tougher character, compared to Clara's innocent little girl persona. I want another bromance like the Donna-Ten relationship. (They're my Doctor Who BrOTP.)
So, in summary, I am super excited for Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor. I just hope we don't have to wait as long as the Sherlock fandom to get a new season!

Sayonara, Sweeties!

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